
QuickTimeVR panorama gallery

Apple QuickTime free plugin required

Home page in italiano

I'm not a photographer, I just realize 360 degrees panoramas.
Why? Maybe because I'm not good at framing, choosing a detail, composing a shoot: better I leave it to the skilled ones.
I got captured by the "spherical" look since the first time I navigated into a QuickTimeVR, and this is still fascinating me.
I'm always trying to get better results: hope my latest panos look better than the oldest I did...

The choice of subjects and right moments for shooting may be a problem: looking 360 degrees around, you often discover building yards, legions of tourists, crowded parkings. Moreover, sometimes it's not easy to avoid dullness, particularily on cloudy days, on flat light, but even on clear weather. Infact I often get back home without a shot after miles of wandering with tripod on shoulder...

Anyway, until now this has been just a hobby.
If any institution or tourist office could ever be interested in this kind of shots, I'll be glad to consider their requests.

Immersive panoramas have been in vogue some years ago before they sank into oblivion.
I'm still guessing that they can have a nice impact on potential tourists: unfortunately a big limit is the fruition, based on technologies which tend to be too old and obsolete or too recent and specific, apart from considering different operating systems, incompatibilities and so on.

If anyone out there wants to talk to me, he's welcome.
I'm not keeping a blog because I haven't time and wish to do it, but I always reply to emails.
This is my address:


Last updates (dicember 18, 2007):

Torino (Torino, Tram storici, Luci d'Artista, OGR, Superga, Museo Egizio, San Giovanni 2007)

Sacra di San Michele
Abbazia di Novalesa
Sant'Antonio di Ranverso
Orta-San Giulio
Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso
Venaria Reale
Forte di Vinadio
Santuario di Oropa
Montalto Dora

Valle d'Aosta

Finale Ligure (Finalborgo, Finalmarina, Perti, Verzi, Grotta delle Mànie)
Pietra Ligure

- GoogleEarth links of (almost) every panorama of mine.